Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Holidays in Marseille

Holidays here in France are quite different from in the states. They don't celebrate Halloween or Valentine's day, but they do have some great holidays
that involve FOOD!

On February 2nd, we celebrated Chandeleur, or "Crepe Day". All the groceries sell crepe supplies and hard cider for this special occasion. The reason for this holiday? Well, I'm not really sure, so I looked it up. According to http://french.about.com/od/culture/a/chandeleur.htm it is a Catholic holiday to commemorate the purification of the Virgin Mary and the presentation of the baby Jesus.

The French also don't celebrate Valentine's day....too commercial as a couple of my friends told me. Chris & I celebrated anyways. :) We had a great day just staying home, eating, relaxing, and watching a movie (Nick & Norah's Infinite Playlist). For dinner, we had little finger foods, quail stuffed with foie gras with an armangac sauce, sparkling wine, and homemade dark chocolate dipped strawberries and a almond/pistachio cream cake for two.

Here are pics from our Valentine's (all G rated I promise) http://www.kodakgallery.com/ShareLanding.action?c=3saykfvv.1imt5wir&x=0&h=1&y=-fxl6xg&localeid=en_US

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