Thursday, January 1, 2009

Bonne Annee!

Happy New Year!

As Beck tradition, Chris made crepes this morning for breakfast. We slept in to about 10am, and slowly got ready for the day.

Chris thought it would be fun to do a la galette des rois today instead of on the traditional day of January 6th. La galette des rois is "King's Cake". You buy a cake from a bakery (the cake is made out of almond paste), that has a small porcelain figure inside of baby Jesus or a bean. The youngest person gets under a table and tells the person slicing the cake which piece goes to which person. The person who finds the bean or baby Jesus is the King or Queen for a day and has to wear a paper crown on their head for the day and buy everyone a round of drinks. You can read more about this tradition at

They do this even in office buildings, which would be quite hilarious to see!

Chris & David kept going back and forth on who would be the one to wear the crown. When we started eating, Chris found a porcelain Mary in his piece, so he got the crown. We figured they had just run out of baby Jesus or something. After laughing and making fun of Chris, we had a few more bites, and David found a bean in his slice! We passed him the crown and told him that is what he gets for making fun of Chris. He was suppose to wear the crown to the veggie market, but he wouldn't do it.

The rest of the day has been spent playing games, and cleaning things around the house. I have also been working to get this blog updated and upload photos. Oreo is just happy to have us all home again (he didn't like his French kitty sitter while we were away).

Wishing all of you a BONNEE ANNEE (HAPPY NEW YEAR!).


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