Friday, August 29, 2008

Visas in hand

This morning, we woke up bright and early to get to the French consulate's office to get our visas. So not use to getting up at 6:30am!

We waited for over an hour, just to find out we would have to return at 3pm. We hand't been to the Central Park Zoo in a while, so we walked over there first. It was a beautiful day in Central Park, and we enjoyed watching the animals. We had lunch at our fave Indian place, Sapphire, where we had the lunch buffet. Then we stopped by Border's and Best Buy just to use up some more time.

Upon returning to the consulate, we had to wait an additional 45 minutes to get the visas...but we DID get them finally! I'm so happy we do not have to do that again. Some of the workers there were very nice and helpful, but some of them acted like they were on the verge of killing someone. Others believed they were pontiffs...believing they could do no wrong. There was an air of hostility in that place...probably because so many people end up having to return multiple times to get their visas.

We are happy that one more step of the process is out of the way now!!

Still waiting to hear about an apartment that we would love to rent in Marseille. The landlord and realtor are taking their time, and we are very anxious to sign a rental agreement.

Oreo is all set to go to the vet on Tuesday to get his microchip and rabies shot. Poor Oreo, he's becoming a bionic kitty and he doesn't even know it.

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